The Youth

The aim of the youth department is to enable the young people of all ages, to use their gifts in a positive way to bring the message of Christ to others of their own age and to all other groups. This can only be achieved if the young people are given positive direction and guidance by those who are guided by the Holy Spirit, and have a genuine desire to see a reversal of the negative publicity about young people within this society.

It is believed that the church has an important role to play in ensuring that our young people remain focused, committed, confident, bold in the things of God, God fearing, and loving people.

The Youth will be involved in the activities already listed there such as participation in church services, street work, drama, dance, singing, and community work.

Parents who wish their children to participate are invited to complete a form granting permission for their children to participate in this work. According to the Child Protection Act 1998, it is a legal requirement that the church processes criminal record of all adults assisting with this work.


The Youth department and Sunday School is lead by

Pastor George Tikum

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